Chrome Commands/Scripts:

Bug List

CC/S:web - 0 - No Bugs

CC/S:web - 1 - [All] Dropdown appers off centered, and not alined for users on macOS

CC/S:web - 2 - [code.html] Adds a '1' to the 3rd and 4th column, for most of the Uni-codes

CC/S:web - 3 - [All] A blue highlight still shows for users on macOS

CC/S:web - 4 - [&*%)%&$.html] Nav bar dropdown breaks when adding 2 more catagories

CC/S:web - 5 - [*%(%#@(^.html] Text in dropdown are centered not to the left

CC/S:web - 6 - [nb.html] Currently on maintenance (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 7 - [All] Website icon does not show up for users on macOS

CC/S:web - 8 - [code.html] Dropdown is not alined correctly (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 9 - [search.html] Embeded link does not stay in website, it redirects you to a new tab and does not keep the nav bar. (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 10 - [ks.html] Too many lines break up the catagories (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 11 - [na.html] Timeline updates too slow

CC/S:web - 12 - [na.html] Image will not show up. (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 13 - [All] Text on notificaion does not fit. (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 14 - [na.html] Image size, is too large (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 15 - [Some] Some Pages lead you to the 'AI in Browser (TYPE 2)', in stead of 'AI in Browser (TYPE 1)' (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 16 - [*()%_.html] Canvas does not work with touch screens

CC/S:web - 17 - [All] Custom caret-color appears to not work. (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 18 - [All] Navagation buttons are not working proberly (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 19 - [code.html] Currently on maintenance, Code UI Broke (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 20 - [most] Most pages have the text set to a link (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 21 - [most] Most pages have version number incorrect (FIXED)

CC/S:web - 22 - [all] "View All Known Bugs" link not working

CC/S:web - 23 - [most] Tables appear to be broken